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WIOA Overview


The federal Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), offers a comprehensive range of workforce development activities through statewide and local organizations. Available workforce development activities provided in local communities can benefit job seekers, dislocated workers, youth, incumbent workers, new entrants to the workforce, veterans, persons with disabilities, and businesses.

The purpose of these activities is to promote an increase in the employment, job retention, earnings, and occupational skills improvement by participants. This, in turn, improves the quality of the workforce, reduces welfare dependency, and improves the productivity and competitiveness of the nation. New York receives funding from the federal government every year to provide services for adults, dislocated workers, youth, and businesses.

Available Services

Title I of WIOA authorizes services for eligible adults, dislocated workers and youth. Eligible adults must be age 18 or older. While eligible dislocated workers are generally individuals who have been terminated from their last employment and are unlikely to return to their previous industry or occupation, displaced homemakers and self-employed individuals also may qualify for these services. Adult and dislocated worker services are provided through locally based Career Centers. Comprehensive Career Centers provide access to a full range of services pertaining to employment, training and education, employer assistance, and guidance for obtaining other assistance. While WIOA requires Career Centers to provide specific services, local areas may design programs and provide services that reflect the unique needs of their area.

Eligible youth must be 14 to 24 years of age and meet criteria to qualify as either an out-of-school or in-school youth. Activities may include instruction leading to completion of secondary school or its recognized equivalent, tutoring, internships, job shadowing, work experience, adult mentoring, and comprehensive guidance and counseling. The program emphasizes services for out-of-school youth.

Administration of WIOA

The Governor has appointed a State Workforce Investment Board (SWIB) consisting primarily of representatives from businesses, labor organizations, educational institutions, and community organizations. The SWIB assists the Governor in designing a statewide plan and establishing appropriate program policy.

The 33 Local Workforce Development Areas (LWDAs) administer WIOA services as designated by the Governor. The Chief Elected Official (CEO) of each LWDA appoints a Local Workforce Development Board (LWDB) with a local membership similar to the SWIB. The LWDB is responsible for selecting eligible training providers to provide training services for adults, dislocated workers and youth.

New York's Eligible Training Provider List (ETPL)

The NYS ETPL was established in compliance with the Workforce Investment Act of 1998 and continues under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA). The purpose of the ETPL is to present a broad and diverse selection of training choices to support employment goals of individuals. Training providers must be listed on the ETPL in order to receive WIOA funding through an individual training account.

Inclusion on the NYS ETPL, in itself, does not guarantee that WIOA funds are available for enrollment in an eligible offering. The availability of WIOA funding for enrollment is based on many factors including assessment of an individual’s employment needs. Individuals who are interested in determining if they qualify for WIOA training funding must contact a New York State Career Center.